Tuesday, October 26, 2010

School Life - Seventh Grade

So I've been without internet so this is VERY late.

Seventh grade was the grade when I finally made long standing friends. The friendship lasted five years and broke down due to stupidity.

I didn't enjoy most of my classes. I did however, enjoy music and English, in that order. Music class was the best class for me. I was allowed to practice in the vault and never go to lunch. I hated lunch. It was loud and there were often too many people. There was this girl at lunch who would hit me in the head with these little things and the boy from 6th grade liked to slap me on my head whenever I cut my hair. A girl took pity on me and tried to be my friend; however, things didn't work out since she saw me as a snob.

How I came to make two friends I find very odd. I was in math class and I took part in a game of charades. A girl who was to become my friend for the next five years slapped me when I guessed correctly a song that she loved. She said there was no way I could have known it and should have stopped lying. She then hugged me and laughed. I didn't get it, I still don't get it. It just makes no sense. I was confused.

The second friend was also weird. I don't know how we became friends. He was very outgoing and loud. In line he skipped me and I got upset and went back in place, he then proceeded to push me and curse me out.

I wasn't liked by anyone but those two, and even then barely. We didn't become good friends until two years later.

In music class I had fun playing music. I got made fun of and people would sing songs about me. I was bothered but there wasn't much I could do. I didn't do much but stay quiet and gave everyone the finger. Soon they started to mock me for giving the finger so much. Saying I should sit on it.

I got low grades except in a few classes like music where I consistently got 90s and above. I became obsessed over the trombone and would play it as much as I could. I became the schools best trombone player and was told I was the best trombone player they've had in 5 years. I didn't like attention and I refused to play with the band when they went out. I was just too nervous to do things like that.

My band mates bothered me in the vault. They would make fun of the way I said things and say overall mean things. I didn't enjoy it much but I just ignored them and continued to play.

Gym class was hell as usual. I hated it. I failed a few classes and was soon put on locker room duty where all I did was make sure the rooms were clear and then sit out the rest off the class. People would make fun of me there too but it didn't bother me so much. I would sit down and people would throw things at me. It was annoying. My friend, who was more of an acquaintance at this time would also sit out classes. We would talk. I enjoyed giving lectures during the class. People would make fun of me though. I was a smart ass who knew everything.

I had a bit of a bully he was very annoying. I ignored him most of the time. There were also three boys who were his friends that often tagged along. I refuted much of what they said using logic. Which apparently made me stupid.

I was followed once from school and someone stole my trombone, but they gave it back later.

I sometimes walked home on the block people walked on. One of the girls I disliked insisted on walking with me. She kept making comments about how oddly I walked. She asked me why I swung my arms so much and I told her it was because I had something in my left hand.

I don't know what to do with my arms most of the times but when I have someone in one hand I assume I should move the other.

I finished the school year, grades not all that good but good enough to get me into the second top class.

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