Wednesday, September 1, 2010

School Life - Second and Third Grade

Second grade wasn't that bad from what I can recall, which isn't much. I was made fun of at lunch time and recess daily for being weird. People pushed me aside and made little groups dedicated to disliking me. I didn't know why, I didn't talk to anyone and I tried to stay out of trouble as much as I could; however, it always round me. I enjoyed school at this point I had my same teacher from first grade and she was nice and worked with me. I still didn't have friends in the class but I did manage to make an acquaintance. We went out on multiple occasions, mostly because my grandmother knew his father. I believe this is the only reason. I didn't really consider us friends. I got along with a boy named Johnathan and his twin sister. He gave me his number and we talked at times. We both liked the spice girls. Eventually he stopped talking to me and started to insult me. I'm not sure why. This has happened with many of my acquaintances. They would suddenly start disliking me and ignore me and cut ties. I all the long oblivious to what just happened.

In school I was the good student. I scored in every subject, with the exception of social skills. My teachers thought I was some disorder since I appeared antisocial. I don't see how they thought that. In the beginning I tried to make friends and talk to people, it just never worked out. By the age of 9 I began to form anxiety to social situations.

I also made an acquaintance named Gary. I didn't like him much, but he talked to me and was polite, unlike everyone else.

Third grade was the LAST good year. It's kind of sad to look back and say for 12 years I've had issues dealing with others.

Third grade was one of the better years. I still had the same class form first and second grade so I slowly started to get along with more people. I would say most of my class stopped making so much fun of me. Some still did, but it wasn't so bad. I enjoyed classes and that was the year that I started my love for English and creative writing. I still hated recess and lunch and I would try to get to stay with the teacher at those times but most of the times that never happened. There was a girl who liked me. I waved and said hello and went on my way. I made the mistake of holding her hand in gym class, I think she misread what happened. I held her hand because we were in a line and the last time I was in a line I held hands. School trip.

There were a number of people I still had issues with. At recess they would gang up on me, and attack me. I would retaliate. I would always get in trouble. I would explain what happened but I was always the one who was wrong. If I was being attacked by several people I shouldn't push them or hit them and then go tell the teacher. I would go and tell the teacher, even if I'm in a position where I can't.

My parents were called in on multiple occasions. The teachers would say I probably have several mental problems which just annoyed my parents. I was a quiet boy who was intelligent and was often picked on.

I enjoyed my teacher, she was extremely nice. That's all I really have to say about her.

So yeah that's really about it.

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